The awesome and oh-so-sweet Gina, over at
Hiya Luv is hosting an event called
Take Your Blogger to Work Day
What a fun way to get to know a few people and how they came to be doing what they are doing. Gina provided a few questions for us to think about to get us started so here we go!
1. When you were growing up, what did you hope to become? What was your dream career?
I always wanted to go to Harvard and become a lawyer.
2. Through the years in elementary school, high school, college, etc. did your dream career evolve? What influenced you?
The law always has fascinated me. In high school I was always voted the Public Defender or District Attorney for Government Day. When I realized how expensive a school like Harvard was I had to rethink that, haha. Accounting was always another thing that fit my fancy, and I seemed to excel at it so I made it my major in college.
3. What is your career today? Is it your dream job? How did you get there? What do you hope for your career in the future?
I married my awesome husband in college and 2 months after we married I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. I knew that I was not going to be able to get my masters at that point, so I changed my major to Business Management. I ended up graduating with an almost 1 year old and being 7 months pregnant with the second. Do you think I was determined?
I am now a SAHM who home schools her kids and spends any free time I have making cards. I sometimes sell them too, hehe :D
4. What is your day like? What are your typical tasks?
Well, I home school my kids, so school starts around 8:30 a.m. every morning and lasts until mid afternoon. In between I'm doing laundry, making a few cards, taking care of cleaning, planning dinner. . .
5. What do you love about your job? What is challenging?
I love it all! I love that I married a man that is okay with and encourages this life. Sure, we may have to do without a few extras, but we are blessed by our decision. I am certainly not a teacher by trade, but I do believe that God has given me what I need on a daily basis to be able to teach. . .proof that this is God and not me. It is challenging to teach, but the 'ah ha' moments make it all worth it.
6. Do you hope to stay in this job forever? Where do you see your career self in the future?
We take each year as it comes, and to be honest I don't plan too far ahead. I'm constantly in prayer about making sure we are in His will. Who knows where I'll end up. For now, I'm just loving the day-to-day.
7. How does your blog/shop/creativity contribute from your career? Or does it distract?
My blog is my 'out' if you will. I make cards, because it's something I feel blessed to do, and I think it makes me a better mom and teacher for my kids. It also shows them that there is more to me, even though being a mom is enough. It shows them that it's important to take time to recharge the batteries :)
Thank you for stopping by to learn about my 'career', and thank you sweet, Gina, for putting this on! I'm looking forward to learning more about more of you :D