
Friday, February 12, 2016

It's been how long since I posted?!

 Hey there. . .if there is anyone out there ;)  I know I haven't posted in a while, and to keep you from getting bored, I won't share all of the details.  Let's just say with a lack of design teams and a pretty extensive knee surgery, I've been away from blogging.  It's not that I haven't been creating, I've just had a lack of motivation to post any of it.

I have been dabbling in the art of mixed media a bit more since leaving all of my design teams.  It's been freeing and fun.  I'm still stamping cards, but I'm really having a great time using lots of different types of media to create all kinds of art.  I've even sold a couple of canvases!

So, what is this that I'm posting you ask?  Well, I joined a challenge called the You & Me Challenge, hosted by Cindy Utter.  You give her your name and address and she sets you up with another participant.  You send your partner some fun goodies following a few guidelines, and then you create with what you're sent.  You make 2 projects and send one to your partner and keep one of yourself.  My partner sent me these goodies:

The project you create is an index card, so I started by attaching the napkin to the card and then painting the card with various acrylic paints.  I used some modeling paste through a stencil, and here was the result.

Here's the end result.  I will say, this was so fun that I ended up signing up to do it again.  I may end up posting some pictures of that one, because I honestly love how that once turned out.

I'm not sure if I'll be posting on a regular basis or not.  I'm so out of practice, it's almost comical.  I'm just now realizing that I don't even have my watermark on these pictures, lol.  Oh well.  Thanks for stopping by if you did.  I'd love to hear what you think or if you'd like to see more.