
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Melt-in-your-Mouth Pumpkin Cookies

In the post before this, I mentioned making a dessert for a military function last night. I thought I would share it since it is a fall dessert. That, and they were soooooo darn good! They are called 'Melt-in-your-Mouth' for a reason, mmmmmmm. Anyway, I made about 60, and this is all that is left. My husband has staked his claim on the remaining cookies. Of course if he could have it his way, I'd make only pumpkin-type desserts, as pumpkin is his fave.If you click on the recipe you should be able to read it better, but it was relatively easy. I actually had all of this stuff in my pantry or fridge, so I didn't have to go out and buy anything. . .my kind of recipe if you know what I mean ;)
And here is the whole display from last night, minus a few cookies, hehe.
Here is the tag before I wrote on it. That set was a release from Clear Dollar Stamps last year called Let Us Gobble Together. I love that little turkey.
School is just about done here, but I have some running around to do so I best get going. Thanks for stopping in today. Come back tomorrow for more crafty goodness :D


  1. Mmmm,looks like a wonderful recipe...I might have to try that soon. The tag is cute, good to hear that you had a great time.It is always fun to visit your blog, take care, Anja

  2. Those look yummy... I would love to try this for my oldest... he loves pumpkin pie so he just might love these.

    But your picture isn't clicking larger for me... any help?

  3. oh yummay!!!! and i love that card:) too cute. :)gina

  4. Yum! Those look so good...but I can't get the pic to open up bigger so I can't read the recipe:(
    Love the little turkey, so cute!

  5. The little tag or place card with the turkey is so darn cute Cassie. Oh those cookies look Goooooooooood! Mmmmmmmmmmmm....I can almost smell them. Yum.

  6. Darling turkey, hee hee those do look yummy, thanks for the recipe I will have to give those a try.

  7. Awesome! I love that turkey too!

  8. Oh yum! That icing looks so delicious.

  9. Oh how I wish these were melting in my mouth right now! Super yummy and adorable invite too!


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