
Thursday, May 5, 2011


"In the end it will all be worth it" that's what my husband keeps saying, and I know he's right.  In the grand scheme of things it isn't that big of a deal, and it isn't life threatening.  I'm aware of just how blessed I am as I pray every morning for sick friends.  I guess I just want to voice my frustration as life around me keeps going forward, and I sit here on this couch.  

I had surgery last Wednesday to repair my right shoulder.  It was a little unexpected, since every other doctor that I saw for the last nine months said to deal with it.  This last doctor I saw did not agree with the other doctors diagnosis, and in fact said it was a very easy fix.  Two days later he fixed it.  What a blessing!

My frustration right now is my being  idle, which can't be helped.  I'd actually be able to do more if I weren't allergic to everything under the sun.  Apparently I've developed an allergy to latex, so I've been battling horrible blistering hives all over my arm since the surgery.  The sling seems to make them worse.  Unfortunately I need the sling to accomplish most tasks, but since I can't seem to shake the hives that go along with it I'm forced to sit on the couch.  I know it's not really a big deal, and I am so grateful that my shoulder was fixable, but these hives truly are agonizing.

Thanks for listening.  I'll have a card to show tomorrow that I actually made before the surgery, so stop back tomorrow.  Have a blessed and productive day.


  1. Vent away Cassie. It sounds like a royal pain in the you know where and I can completely understand your frustration!!! I hope those hives go a way soon sweet friend.

  2. Oh Cassie! I'm so sorry you are feeling frustrated and battling hives :( Not fun. All our struggles are important to God and it's okay to feel that way, and thank Him anyway! I haven't been dealing with physcial frustration but our adoption has been SO full of incredibly stressful things that I can sympathize with the feelings. Hang in there and maybe use this time to catch up on some reading? Big healing hugs to you!!

  3. Oh Cassie.....glad your surgery went well...but I understand your frustration! Hope you are feeling well soon so you can get back to stampin!

  4. Bless your heart! Hives are horrible, I know. I do hope that they will clear up soon and that your recovery will be otherwise uneventful. Take care and rest!!!

  5. hang in there love. i am thinking of you during this tough time. you will be up and about in no time..:)

  6. Vent away hun, it always helps, I totally understand your frustration for sure, sending you big hugs!

  7. Oh Cassie! Thank goodness the surgery went well. So sorry you are laid up for a time, though. That must be VERY frustrating. But remember, dear friend, this too shall pass. Will be keeping you in my prayers.

  8. dun worry Cassie dear! you'll be back stronger than ever in no time!!! :) take care, and get lots rest so that ur recovery is fast!! Hugs


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